

 A proverb has it says that Fortune favors cheerful homes .
But is it real that laughter conveys the happiness? This is proved chemically. Laughter is the medicine which works for several disease and good for our health. First, laughter works for cancer .The cancer cells disappear by laughing .

There are some kinds of laughter for example, a laughter , a chuckle , a snicker , a smile and so on. But it is not related to that how we laugh even we put on a feigned smile. Second, laughing trains our abdominal muscles and we can sleep well. Finally, I think that laughter is important for our lives.

Why don't you laugh:-)?

1.Laughter for Health
2. Medicine

This is the movie. There is a baby and his father in the room. Whenever father is tearing pieces of paper, the baby is laughing. Because I think the baby is so cute!!! , it is funny. I can't stop laughing!

Another funny movie is here.
His name is Takahiro Yamamoto. He is Japanese comedian and often imitates Yuji Oda who is the actor. I think he is a Yuji Oda look-alike!! Let's watch it!