Questionnaire About Our Blogs
I ask my classmates about their blogs.
Q.1: Which topics did you write easily?
Q.2: How long did it take to make your blog each topic?
A: 30min……2
: 1h……2
: 2h……1
Q.3: What other software did you use to make your blog?
A: Yahoo!……2
: Google……2
: Wikipedia……1
Q.4: Do you think your English skill is better than before?
A: YES……3
: A Little……1
: NO……1
Q.5: What is the most difficult thing for you when you write your blog?
A: Color……2
: Grammar……2
: Vocabulary……1
Q.6: What is the most important thing wen you write your blog?
A: Sentence……2
: Design……2
: Picture……1
Q.7: How did you feel when you get comments?
A: HAPPY!……3
: GOOD……1
Q.8: How often do you search the Internet in ENGLISH?
A: NO……2
: Sometimes……2
: Often……1
I think I could learn a lot of new things because I had never written a blog. I think my English is improved! I'd like to try to continue this blog.
The Best 3 Blogs of Other Classes
It was hard for me to select the only three blogs. I am going to introduce my favorite blogs. I found out that there were blogs which we couldn't see. So I want to, but I can't.
1 AruHinAta*
I think this blog has very long articles and looks nice. I have never seen "SEX AND THE CITY". This became a movie and dramas. So I can see these easily. I try to rent DVDs. I'd like to write like this blog
1 AruHinAta*
I think this blog has very long articles and looks nice. I have never seen "SEX AND THE CITY". This became a movie and dramas. So I can see these easily. I try to rent DVDs. I'd like to write like this blog
The Best 3 Blogs of Our Class
It was difficult for me to choose the only three blogs. I thought there were many nice blogs. If you have a time, please check these.
Attention Please!
I think no.1 is this one. First of all, this looks very nice. She used good color balance. She wrote long articles and the contents are good. I'd like to read more.
Sweet Memories
I think no.2 is this one. This is cute blog. She wrote a lot of her ideas. I can understand the contents easily. This blog is used many pink. That's so cute! My favorite article is about the movie. Her English is very nice! I have never seen end of this movie, I could understand about this movie.
Rice to Moca
I think no.3 is this one. This is used nice pictures and links are good. I can learn a lot of information. My favorite article is about Maori. She wrote about Maori language. These are very interesting. We can learn a lot of information.
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